a celebration with you at the center
Join us for World Crypto Day events and celebrations!
We invite you to learn more about this exciting new chapter in currency education and all its connective elements, from a new organizing web site, to centralized virtual events, to a history-making celebration of people, technology and innovation. Let's join together to make World Crypto Day one of our most prized annual events, to include tours of facilities brought to life by engineers, analysts, marketing communicators and financial professionals; including IT development facilities, universities, data centers, and more, all occurring annually on January 3rd.
Join in for World Crypto Day, January 3rd, annualy by participating in celebrations around the world.
Here’s why you should celebrate cryptocurrency day:
1) Meet other Crypto players.
Join us as we gather over food and drink to convene a much needed networking opportunity.
2) Chart your future with the latest updates on Cryptocurrency policy. Analysts from around the globe gather to discuss evolving government policies.
3) Hear from top experts and leaders. Gather for distributed events with experts and leaders who gladly share their knowledge.
4) Celebrate Cryptocurrency leaders. Raise a chalice to the industry leaders, all over the world.
Q&A- Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about World Crypto Day
Naturally, there are questions. Here are answers to the most frequenty asked questions about World Crypto Day. Feel free to drop us a line to ask more!
What is World Crypto Day?World Crypto Day is a global celebration of the positive benefits of cryptocurrency (and the people who make it happen) held on January 3rd, each year. This day was selected because it represents the dawn of the age of cryptocurrency. This day was selected because on the evening of January 3, 2009, when he pressed a button on his keyboard, Satoshi Nakamoto created a new currency called bitcoin. It was all bit and no coin. There was no paper, gold, copper or silver; just thirty-one thousand lines of code and an announcement on the Internet. This 1st crypto currency was a success and we celebrate that milestone on World Crypto Day, annually.
What Can I Do to Participate?On World Crypto Day, you can be an "active" or a "passive" participant. An active participant creates events in their location, posts on social media, joins in other events and leads. A passive participant watches all the great activity and has fun!
How do I Participate on Social Media?Social media channels are organized with hashtag #WorldCryptoDay. Search on this index and you will find a wealth of education, activity and engagement. Feel free to post your celebration on Social Media and use Hashtag #WorldCryptoDay
Does it cost Money to Participate?No. World Crypto Day is a day to celebrate in your own manner. There is no fee. However, donations to the "Donate Now" button on this web site are applied to broaden outreach efforts, globally. Donations are encouraged.
Donate to World Crypto Day
DONATE AS YOU WISHSupport the day with "Pay as You Wish!"
If you like crypto, please make a donation. All proceeds benefit the development of programming and the promotion of World Crypto Day events, education, website, and resources. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
World Crypto Day is a global educational outreach program touching hundreds of thousands of people annually. World Crypto Day is on track to generate over a million social media interactions regarding celebrations and news about crypto currency and the people who make it happen. You and your donation help to promote and share those crypto ideas and educational messages.
If you like crypto, please make a donation. All proceeds benefit the development of programming and the promotion of World Crypto Day events, education, website, and resources. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
World Crypto Day is a global educational outreach program touching hundreds of thousands of people annually. World Crypto Day is on track to generate over a million social media interactions regarding celebrations and news about crypto currency and the people who make it happen. You and your donation help to promote and share those crypto ideas and educational messages.